The Boxer Quarterly magazine was founded by Andrew Brace who launched it in 1986 at the British Boxer Club's Golden Jubilee Championship Show. It was a great hit from day one but after several years, Andrew's other commitments meant that he could no longer continue as publisher. The magazine was sold to David Cavill who persuaded Di Johnson to edit it for him.

Di kept the magazine going through a difficult couple of years but she always believed that it should be in the hands of active Boxer enthusiasts and this is where our story begins. Early in 1994 Tim Hutchings, Eddie Banks and Keith Jump all found that they had been independently approached with a view to taking over the magazine, either as individuals, or through a Breed Club. The main problem was that running a magazine professionally requires a heavy time commitment and this was too much for one person to take on. However, after a few conversations in dog show bars up and down the country, it didn't take long to realise that the obvious answer was for them to take it on as a joint venture.

Covering all aspects of life with Boxers

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So in April 1994 the magazine was in new ownership and Keith, Eddie and Tim set about putting the first edition together which had to be out in time for the British Boxer Club Championship Show in July. After a few hiccups with potential printers the services of fellow exhibitor Linda Carnaby were secured and Linda has done the origination ever since. A routine was quickly established and three packed issues have been produced every year, regular as clockwork.
Eddie, Tim and Keith have been at the helm since 1994 and the magazine has gone from strength to strength with fabulous support from breeders, owners and exhibitors from the UK and overseas. The magazine carries articles of historic interest; breeder profiles and forums; there's lots of news from shows around the world as well as coverage of all the major events back home; companions' pages; breed club news; expert veterinary advice; letters; a celebration of new Champions; guest editorials and, of course, loads of pictures of fabulous Boxers from home and abroad.
in order to secure the long-term future of the magazine it was decided that, with effect from 2015, there would be two editions per year. In 2023 the publishing dateswere changed to the first, in spring and the second, in the autumn. They will maintain the good balance between current news, historical record, home and international coverage for which we have become well known..

Ferelith Somerfield cuts the cake




























The Boxer Quarterly editorial team consists of 3 respected judges from the UK, all of whom award CCs in the UK and have judged overseas

L-R Keith Jump. Eddie Banks, Tim Hutchings

Tim Hutchings has been a partner in the Winuwuk Boxers for 30 years.  More than 20 UK Boxer Champions have been owned or bred at Winuwuk and  they have won over 240 CCs.  In addition, there have been many more overseas. The most successful Winuwuk is the Breed Record Holder Ch/Ir Ch Winuwuk Lust at First Sight who also won 21 Working Groups (including two at Crufts) and multiple Best in Shows.  He was the Top Working Dog in 2009 and 2010 and Number 2 All-Breeds in 2010.  Tim has judged all over the world, culminating in a May 2004 appointment to judge at the American Boxer Club, the biggest Boxer show in the world. In 2013 he is judging Boxers at Crufts.  He is in demand as a speaker on the breed and is the author of ‘The Complete Boxer’, published by Howells/Ringpress. Onto Club matters Tim is the longest serving Championship Show Breed Club Secretary in the UK and has also chaired the UK Boxer Breed Council. After the dogs themselves it is his involvement with the Boxer Quarterly which gives him the most pleasure.


Eddie Banks, along with his wife Helen, have been exhibiting Boxers since the mid 1970s. Both are championship show judges and have judged overseas on numerous occasions. Their Boxers have won over 100 Challenge Certificates in the UK. They have also bred Boxers who went on to become champions in Europe and the Antipodes. They have been committee members of the Anglian Boxer Club for over 15 years.

Go on to their website for the story of their kennel.


Keith Jump first got involved in the magazine when Tim & Eddie asked him in 1994 if he would be interested in the venture, of course he took the offer straight away and has enjoyed being involved ever since. Keith first came into Boxers in 1977 when he met his wife Sandra Carter who along with her sister Suzanne show under the Susancar Affix. To visit their website click here -
Keith attends all boxer breed & general championship shows and indeed posts all the results on the show boxer list. He is also very much involved with all aspects of the breed, is currently chairman of the Mancunian Boxer Club and has been Chairman of the UK Boxer Breed Council. Keith also writes the breed notes for Our Dogs weekly publication and is a firm believer that you should try and put something back into the breed that gives you so much pleasure. He would personally like to thank all the advertisers, writers and subscribers for their support of Boxer Quarterly, without whom it would not be here.
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